Over the Target

Time travel, anyone? Happy New Year! Pat O'Brien, who was born on November 11, 1899 could always be counted on to play steady, reliable types with no shortage of toughness and bravery, and between 1930 and 1940 he made a staggering sixty-three movies. After Knute Rockne, All American, O'Brien was at loose ends, having left Warner … Continue reading Over the Target

Page To Screen: Anne of Green Gables

This is the first installment in my new, semi-regular series, "Page To Screen". I thought it would be interesting to analyze books that have been made into films--what was changed, cut, expanded, whether or not the adaptation was effective, and so on. I wasn't planning on starting with Anne of Green Gables, but you know how life is. It … Continue reading Page To Screen: Anne of Green Gables