Shamedown #5: That Uncertain Feeling

We're back, all, and about time, too. School is out for my son and I, of course, and it feels fine. Anyway, if any of you are wondering what a Shamedown is, click here for the answers. No one is too big to fail, not even Ernst Lubitsch and his famous touch, as audiences saw … Continue reading Shamedown #5: That Uncertain Feeling

Mr. Blandings and Mr. Breen

Surprise! Those of us who have big families or have lived in apartments and dorms know what it's like to not have a lot of space. Being on top of each other all the time is a constant occurrence, and it can be a pain in the neck. Ideally, though, when the going gets tough, … Continue reading Mr. Blandings and Mr. Breen

Ninotchka’s Guide To Paris

Garbo was definitely not known for being a comedienne. Oh, no. This screen queen was in deadly earnest. Dramatic.  Serious. Always, dahling. As time went on, though, M-G-M tried revamping Garbo's image, which is why it took thirteen years for her to make her first comedy, and that was the 1939 film, Ninotchka. Three Russians, Iranoff, … Continue reading Ninotchka’s Guide To Paris

House Horrible

It might sound funny since I've already reviewed House of Dracula and The Fall of the House of Usher (see a pattern forming here?), but I'm not big on horror movies. I can handle Vincent Price and the classic chillers, but slashers and jump-scare fests just aren't my thing. Horror combined with mystery is a different matter … Continue reading House Horrible