The Neighbors Blogathon Has Arrived


We have arrived at the Neighbors Blogathon. And Memorial Day Weekend if anyone’s American. And the end of May. Wow, this month has flown by, right? Yikes.

So yeah, you wonderful people all know the drill: Please send your posts to Quiggy and I this weekend (find Quiggy’s post here) and we’ll add them to our respective blogathon lineups. Thanks, all! And if anyone would like to join us, the deets can be found here.

All right, off we go! Enjoy…

Rich from By Rich Watson kicks us off with a look at Grady, the neighbor on Sanford and Son.

Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews also gets us started with a review of the 2021 film, Next Door.

John Reiber reviews the infamous Rosemary’s Babywhich sports an entire building full of all-too-friendly neighbors.

Le from Crítica Retrô goes on an adventure with Laurel and Hardy in 1933’s Sons Of the Desert.

My co-host, Quiggy, shares his thoughts on 1981’s Neighbors.

Nitrateglow peeks through The Window, a 1949 film starring future Peter Pan Bobby Driscoll.


Here’s my review of 2004’s 13 Going On 30, when Jennifer Garner fell for the boy-turned-man next door.


Sally of 18 Cinema Lane takes us to 1988’s Dance ‘Til Dawn, featuring a Who’s Who of Gen-X stars.

marilynmonroesevenyearitchKaren of Hoofers and Honeys looks at the iconic 1955 classic, The Seven Year Itch.

Kayla from Whimsically Classic has a list for us of her top five Ricardo and Mertz feuds.

Keep ’em coming, everyone! As usual, depending on when you read this, we’ll see you on Monday for a little wrapup post…

16 thoughts on “The Neighbors Blogathon Has Arrived

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