The Seventh Broadway Bound Blogathon Has Arrived


The curtain is rising, all, and it’s time for our seventh trip down Broadway. Hope you’re ready, and if you’re not quite there yet, no big deal. We’ve got a great weekend ahead with wonderful bloggers regaling us with all things Great White Way.

So yeah, it’s the usual thing: Please send me your posts throughout the weekend and I’ll add them here as soon as I can. This page will be updated as needed, so keep checking back. And of course, if anyone would like to join us, please let me know which topic you’ve picked and I can add you to the roster. Find all the details here.

All right, the orchestra is tuned up, the house lights are down, and the show is starting. Here we go, people…

Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews starts us off with a look at 1973’s Lost Horizon.

Quiggy from The Midnite Drive-In takes us to The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas.

Ruth from Silver Screenings gives us her thoughts on the sparky 1953 classic, Kiss Me, Kate.

Rachel from Hamlette’s Soliloquy has this review of an old favorite, 1955’s Guys and Dolls.

Nitrateglow brings us Bogart and Wyler in the 1955 film, The Desperate Hours.

Rich from By Rich Watson looks at “A Taste of Honey,” which was heard on Broadway before Herb Alpert got a hold of it.

Le from Crítica Retrô brings us Doris Day’s turn in the 1951 film, Lullaby of Broadway.

Kayla from Whimsically Classic introduces us to 1958’s Auntie Mame.

John Reiber takes a look at The Outsiders, which hit Broadway as a musical last year.


Here’s my review of the 1992 iteration of Heinrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s Housea play that never fails to incite discussion.

Virginie from The Wonderful World of Classic Cinema takes us to 1933’s 42nd Street.


Sally from 18 Cinema Lane shows us her thoughts on the uneven 1987 Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, Pack of Lies.

Chloe from Movies Meet Their Match returns to the 2001 classic of Broadway and the big screen, Legally Blonde.

Eric from Diary of A Movie Maniac looks at one of the times Hitchcock filmed a play, Dial M For Murder.

OK, depending on when you read this, I’ll see you on Monday for a little wrap-up…

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